
We Provide A Wide Range Of hepa filters Services



Pass through box is design to maintain and prevent the contamination of entry in to clean area. It effectively permits movement of materials, tools and other work items to be passed to and from clean area. The pass box acts as air locking device to prevent out side air to clean room area and vise versa. Standard Feature: Mechanical interlocking for doors.


We provide to the valued clients Air Shower, which is widely appreciated for its superior quality and performance. The Air Shower is basically used to supply class 100 HEPA filtered air at maximum velocity to remove impurities from the clean room. Based on their high efficiency and easy functioning, we have been able to expand our client base.

HORIZONTAL LAMINAR AIR FLOW AWESOME AIR FILTERS offers high and precision engineered Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet, Which is manufactured to match with the international quality & Standards. It is safe to use as and finds application for bio-assays and sterility testing, microbiological manipulation, microbiological lab and other research centers engaged in investigated work with sub toxic material. Technical 

AWESOME AIR FILTERS offers high and precision engineered Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinet, Which is manufactured to match with the international quality &
Standards. It is safe to use as and finds application for bio-assays and sterility testing, microbiological manipulation, microbiological lab and other research centers engaged in investigated work with sub toxic material. Technical 


  It is used in clean room to hold the Hepa Filter and facilitate to direct the air from AHU.


Clean Room Industry



 Electronic industries etc

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